Solution To Obsessive Masturbation

           So many people have stated cure and solutions to masturbation clinically, herbally etc but to a perspective masturbation is a psychological problem which would require help from a psychologist, but some people who are shy of telling others of there problem could find solution through these post. Masturbation should be considered as a habit that needs to be impede,
and not treated as an illness,so today i bring you solutions to masturbation.
             As the saying goes "an ideal man is a devils workshop" reduce the chance of being ideal, find something to occupy your time and mind you can involve your self in creative drawing, playing musical instrument, dancing video gaming, swimming,gisting with friends, taking photos, singing to mention but a few. The entire point of all these is just to get yourself distracted so as not to get your mind into thing of sex or any related content
             Another aspect is the gradual let go process, like the saying "old habits die hard" if your and addict to masturbation,it will feel like your not breathing at the first few weeks or one month interval of stopping, in other not to give yourself that strong killing feeling you can take it easy on your self by stopping it gradually. In these scenario you try to avoid masturbation for one week or more and along the road you succumb to it to easy the tension, try repeating the tension for a month just to get your body system to adapt to it and after that extend the interval period to at least one or two month as you can as time goes on you will forget it without feeling that pressure when you want to stop it automatically. although its a long run but it is worth the wait.


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