Development of Entrepreneurial Skill Training Program in Micro-livestock (Bee Keeping) for Reengagement of Retirees in a Sustainable Occupation in Enugu State

ABSTRACT Retirees are individuals that have disengaged from their initial employment after long service but are still willing and able to continue their existence in any desirable but less strenuous occupation.
To assist these retirees in achieving their
objectives of continuous desirable existence, this study was designed. Five research questions were developed and answered by the study and five hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance and 284 degree of freedom, A 60 item structured questionnaire was developed and face validated by three experts. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined using Cronbach alpha statistics and an alpha co-efficient of 0.89 was obtained. It was administered on 286 respondents made up of 120 extension agents and 164 bee keeping farmers in Enugu state. The weighted mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while t-test statistic was used to test the hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed that: (a) 11 skills were required in planning for bee keeping enterprise, (b) 18 skills in site selection and construction of beehives, (c) 10 skills in stocking and feeding of bees, (d) 10 skills in managing bees and (e) 11 skills in harvesting and marketing of bee products. There was no significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of the two groups of the respondents on all the entrepreneurial skills identified by the study. It was recommended that the identified skills should be used to train retirees in Enugu state for establishment of bee keeping enterprise for sustained livelihood.
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