Entreprenueral Skills required by school dropouts in the harvest and marketing of periwinkle

1.1   Background
Periwinkle (tympanotonus fuscatus) is a shell fish gastropod found in brackish water a genus tympanotonus of the family potamididae and a super family cerithioidea. Periwinkles are native to mangrove swamps.
According to (Dambo, 2010) Periwinkle is one of the most consumed sources of protein in meal across the country. They are two species of periwinkle, which are tympanotonus fuscatus and pachymelania aurita. (Web, 2016) the two species of this periwinkle are of economic importance. Periwinkle is a common sight in Nigeria markets, cities and villages. They are often sold by local market women, many Nigerians consume periwinkle regularly, even daily as a cheaper source of protein.
Esther, Audu and Robert (2007) explain that, tympanotonus fuscatus is characterized by granular and spiny shells with tapering end. It is a bisexual and are both found in brackish water creeks and mangrove swamp, the shell is dark and hard which serve as protection for the gastropod, it shell reach a size of about  35-50 millimeters (1.4-3.9in) at maturity. It primarily feeds on algae, mud and other small invertebrates through the use of their radular and can live as long as two to six years.
The periwinkles flesh is edible and also used as bait by fishermen. They are rich in protein (about 21%), vitamins and minerals (Egonmwan 2002). The organism is also very medicinal for cases like endemic goiter due to it iodine content. The calcium, phosphate and iron content, also recommend it for pregnant women. The periwinkle shell is grounded for several purposes such as powder for pimples, cleaners (e.g. vim for washing), as fertilizers, as calcium source in animal feed (Grolier 2009). Other uses include building construction, ornamental and cosmetics.
Periwinkle harvesting and marketing is a good enterprise in which farmers invest their resources to generate income. For economic success in periwinkle harvesting and marketing an entrepreneur would require and effective management skills.
Entrepreneur as submitted by Onwuku and Olaitan in Oko (2015), are people who create and manage a business undertaking bearing the risk for the sake of profit. Etuk(2012), view entrepreneurship as a process through which individual, and/or government either on their own or jointly exploit available economic opportunities without being scared. In the context of this research work, an entrepreneur is a secondary school dropout who takes an idea and opportunity in periwinkle harvesting and marketing to turn them into a profitable enterprise by harnessing the necessary skills and resources to manage the business involved.
Skill according to Osinem, and Nwoji, (2005), is the ability of a person to perform an act expertly. In continuing, the author stated that, it is therefore a practice ability or proficiency displayed in the performance of the task. Similarly Okoire in Bassey (2013), explain that skills are a well established habit of performing task in a manner acceptable by workers in the profession. In the context of this research work, skills are that ability required by periwinkle farmers to succeed in their periwinkle harvesting business, these skills are required planning, swimming, harvesting and marketing.
A successful entrepreneurship in the context of study is based the possession of a set of skill. According to Ademiluyi (2007), entrepreneurship skills are simple business skills which individual acquired to enable them effectively function in turbulent business environment as an entrepreneur or self employed. The various skills embedded and learn by secondary school dropouts.
Secondary school dropout encompasses those pupils or student that could not complete their secondary school education at any level due to reasons ranging from, broken homes, peer group influence, health problems, financial capabilities, and school instability.
This implies that secondary school dropout if turned and made to acquire the skill in periwinkle harvesting and marketing would easily become self employed. This would reduce unemployment and crime among the secondary school dropout as well as alleviate poverty in the state. Besides they would contribute positively towards increasing supply of periwinkle.


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