Very Funny….11 lies we were told as kids when growing up. #3would gets you laughing out loud

Growing up in Nigeria was one of the sweetest and hilarious memories any one could ever have, that’s why most Nigerians would still prefer the country in their next life if there is any chance like that. Our childhood memories are so dare to us so when we reminisce what lies we were told as children to believe always blow our minds and gets us laughing all day.
                Ladies and gentlemen here are the 11 most hilarious lies we were told as kids.
11.         If you write on the floor and don’t clean it, eventually spirits would take you're handwriting.

10.          If you hear a sound on your roof late at night it’s a sign of witchcraft coming.

9.            If you bend forward looking backwards at the market you would see a ghost working on the air and if the ghost sees you, it would kill or harm you.
8.            When you’re told at night not to cry, that you’re inviting spirits.

7.            When you’re told if you pick money on the road when coming back from school you will turn into yam.

6.            When you told if a stranger touches your private part, when you get home you won’t find it again
5.            We are told if we kill wall Gecko we will break all the breakable things in the house.

4.            If you were not told about the match between Nigeria 0 vs India 99(if Nigeria were able to score 1 goal they would win the world cup).

3.            If a pregnant woman sends you and you refuse to go, you will have boil on your eyes.

2.            Rain is falling at the same time sun is shining, lion is about to give birth.

1.            If someone crosses over you and don’t cross back you’ll stop growing



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