Breaking Story: Strange Culture Of The Snake god

Uwana snake
Uwana is the gods of the Yala people specifically those from the Uwelaga constituency in Yala local government area of cross river state.
The gods was discovered by a woman named Kaka Iyede and its family, the chief priest was called to strange dew that accompanied a great snake that morning, so the dew spoke to the priest saying “I am a stranger and I will harm no one, please can you accommodate me? The people of the land all agreed to accommodate the snake god in the land.
After that the snake god was asked where it would like to reside in the community, he said he would prefer a forest far from the town close to a river which he choose the deepest for of the river. He therefore lead the priest and the whole community members to the forest, but at these point the snake and the dew were invisible the only followed the moving sound with dews parting the way.
The snake god own properties like pot, plates, spoons, etc. Which can be seen physically, there was even a situation that occurred were a stranger wanted stealing those properties, it was told that a great storm drain on him till he returned those things then it stopped.
The significant sacrifice and rules of the snake god (UWUN)
·        The god kills any one that partakes in blood shade.
·        Anybody who speaks any foreign language in the forest won’t find his way-out.
·        The snake god is worshiped every seven years, where an animal is offered as a sacrifice but not slaughtered the snake god sends a group of tsetse flies to surround the animal and suck its blood to died.
·        It also protect them from danger, fight their enemies and bring good harvest to the land,
·        It is the law and justice of the community.



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