Three Little Mistakes That Can Reduce Your Sexual Performance

In this article I would outline these 3 major causes of weak erection and quick ejaculation You would also get to know 3 foods you need to completely reduce or remove from your diet,these foods weakens your erection.sNow lets get down to it .The Root Cause of Your Sexual Problems:When a man suffers from sexual problems like – Weak erections, premature ejaculation, Low sexual energy etc, these problems are USUALLY caused by the following
1.Poor diet and lack of exercise.
2.Stress and psychological problem
3.Excessive masturbation and pornography.
Lets get into them in depth.
1.Poor diet and lack of regular exercise routine;
In case you don’t know, erection is a result of blood flowing into your manhood.Most men confuse going to work and stress with exercise, they think just because they leave home to work 8-5 that is enough exercise. Spending 10-15minutes everyday doing simple exercise at home can help your blood flow properly.Speaking of diet.The 3 foods below should be reduced or total removed from your diet if you must get harder and stronger erection.
1.Processed Carbohydrate
2.Sugary foods/drinks
3.Fried foods.
2.Stress and psychological problem
Sometimes, you fail in bed just because you are anxious. Performance anxiety over penis size or other things can cause erectile dysfunction. So don't worry about it....just dig in and give your best performance. So, conquering your weak erection and quick ejaculation problems starts with you. Some even get worried to an extent of taking alcohol in other to last longer but the very truth is that Alcohol destroys your kidneys and nerves which in turn affect your sex organ. Again, you have more chance of a harder erection when sober than when drunk. Alcohol is not your friend. Forget about the general misconception that it helps strengthen your penis.
3. Excessive masturbation and pornography aren't good for you!
While it may be a good stress relief, too much masturbating can open you to the problem of quick ejaculation. Your body is used to immediate gratification and this is a problem. Before you have thrust into the vagina once or twice, you will have ejaculated. Porn can also lead to addiction, sexual dysfunction and performance anxiety. These two addictions can get in the way of a healthy sex life.
If the  three measures above fail to make an improvement, it means you need to see a doctor. Do have a great sex life ahead!


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