Click to see How To Calculate Your WASSCE, JAMB and chances of Getting Admission Into Tertiary Institutions

Since the nullification of post UTME exams into tertiary institution, students find it difficult to calculate their chance of getting admission into Nigerian universities so today we want. To make it Crystal clear on how to calculate their results.
The abolishing of post UTME has resulted in the grading of WASSCE results and Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) scores, these defiantly means that the possibility of getting admission is base on those two results.
For an institution to select the best students from the multitude all that is needed now is to grade candidates’ O’Level results and score them over 40 per cent. These means when candidate come for screening he or she would submit their O'Level result, which the institution would select five subject related to your course of application and award scores to it.
Hence, A1 is awarded 8%, B2-7%, B3-6%, C4-5%, C5-4% and C6-3%. Total marks for anyone with five A1s is 40 per cent. What this means is that if a candidate has five ‘A1s’, he has gotten a maximum 40 per cent. A student with five B2s, would score 35per cent, five B3s, 30 per cent, five C4s, gets 25 per cent, five C5s, 20 per cent and five C6s would score just 15 per cent.
Besides, since institutions discovered that many candidates who choose their schools have above UTMEs cut-off marks, they have also graded UTME’s scores into percentages. If a UTME candidate has 180 to 189, he is assumed to have scored 10 per cent. If he scored between 190 and199, he gets 20 per cent. For those who scored between 200 and 209, they have 30 per cent while someone who scored between 210 and 219 gets 40 per cent. Those who scored between 220 and 229, earn 50 per cent and a student with 230 and above gets the maximum 60per cent.
Apparently, a student who has five A1s in WASSCE and also scored 230 and above in UTME, is certain to be admitted because he has 40 percent in WASSCE and 60 per cent in UTME.Securing admission.
For a student with five C6s in WASSCE, and between 190 and 199 in UTME, the chances of securing admission in public institutions is dicey because he has only scored 15per cent in WASSCE and 20 per cent in UTME. His total percentage score is 35 per cent. With this system, it means that students aspiring to secure admission into Nigerian public universities  must study hard and be academically sound to obtain A or B grades in WASSCE to stand a chance.
The Minister of Education, Mallam Adamu Adamu believe it will propel students to aim high so as to obtain A1 in five subjects. Also, the issue of paying for post-UTME and traveling long distances for the examination would be a thing of the past.


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