Details Of How 30 Persons Died in The Calabar Tank Farm Fire Incident

At the early hours of yesterday a great fire consumed not less than 30 persons in Calabar tank farm at Esuk Utan community and part of the Calabar Free Trade Zone CFTZ was also set on fire.
The CFTZ in Esuk Utan community is host to several tank farms belonging to different companies, but yesterday’s fire incident reportedly emanated from LINC Oil and Gas’ tank farm as a result of what was termed negligence and sabotage by some of its staff.
One of the eyewitness reported that one of the worker was trying to steal fuel from the vessel and unfortunately the valve failed to close as a result the fuel threw him off, and the product flow into the gutter. Then. people around started scooping
Another eyewitness revealed that “the people scooping fuel said that the fire was ignited by somebody who was smoking cigarette close to one of the gutters that the product was flowing through, while some said it was a spark from one of the stainless steel buckets.
The report reveal that 7 died from the fishing village close, 6 died while scooping the fuel and close to 15 sustained injuries and are hospitalize some many burnt and could not be found due to the inferno.
According to the police authority the manager of the depot is yet to brief the Police on what led to the explosion.He said: “Nobody has come out to tell us that this is what caused the fire outbreak. We have gone round, we have done what we can, but investigation will later reveal what actually led to the explosion.


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